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00:00:03 Vanessa Roberts
Hey everybody, happy Monday. I did. We did acknowledge here that it is veteran’s day and but we are still running the calls and everything today. So thanks for joining us for being around. We have a very cool training today. We’re going to be talking about hyper targeting your buyers list, peeking in behind the scenes beyond just the standard like location and niche, like really getting a high quality data and information and then using it to, you know, capitalize on our small batch system. Our guest today is Doug Starks. Many of you probably know him.
00:00:49 Vanessa Roberts
We’ve worked together with Doug for years and years and years and years. He’s partnered with Brian on projects. We just, we just love him. Hey, Doug, how are you doing? Hey, Vanessa, I’m doing good.
00:01:00 Doug Starks
How are you doing? Fantastic.
00:01:02 Vanessa Roberts
All right, so Ryan and I will hang out. I’m going to turn it over to Doug so he can, he’s the expert, all things big data. So Ryan and I will be in the back answering any questions. If they pertain to the presentation and the training, Doug may jump in and answer them. Otherwise, Ryan and I can help you in the background, but don’t hesitate if you have any questions, pop them in and we’re here. All right, Doug, handing it off to you. Thanks. Let’s see, I need to hit share screen, I assume.
00:01:31 Doug Starks
Let me do that. And everybody see my screen. Yes, Sir, see my screen. This OK, perfect. But yeah, Brian and I started Big Data profits. I think we started talking about it about five years ago and I believe last October we came up on about four years. So kind of started out talking to Brian and I think I was, I remember, gosh, how many years ago it was two or three events in Atlanta talking to him about, excuse me, what I’ve been doing with Realtors and Geo targeting data. And we were going to just do a basic training of some sort around Geo targeting.
00:02:17 Doug Starks
And then, oh, about a year later, it turned into a full blown product and training and, and you know, data system that I’m going to show some of that to everyone here, but let me know on the Q and a box. I don’t know if I have access to it. If not, maybe even us can answer the question, but let me know how many people are using big data profits. I know we’ve got some SBS members using it for various means, but just curious where everyone is with big data Or are you using big data in any warmer fashion? Let me know like this training to be interactive and helpful as possible. I think I’ve got a question box here I can open seeing. I’m not seeing any folks raise OK Bill Brown is there now and ready to use it.
00:03:10 Vanessa Roberts
All right, Bill. Yeah, Bill, I’ve seen in my group in my weekly training.
00:03:16 Doug Starks
So good to see you, Bill. But yeah, let me find a PowerPoint. You’re not going to see a bunch of PowerPoints. I just made a few just to keep myself on track here. And some of this might be a review, the people that have seen this either ertc or or SBS group number of things that Brian’s doing. But what I’m going to do is kind of concentrate on what you’re already using SBS for. And then if there’s other, other ways you’re using it that I can tie into the data, just chime in with, hey, you know, why not try this? Or can you look at this type of data for this purpose, you know, that sort of thing.
00:03:58 Doug Starks
So just, yeah, let me know as I go. You got any questions? And, and any other ways to use data, but thought I’d talk about a number of things ERTCSETC, if you’re doing any of that with Brian, I think we got till April of April 15th or 16th of 2025 to, to, to get everyone in with ERTCI know. And I think SSETC. So I want to talk about that. I’m going to talk about. Let me go to the top here we talk about Dropserv. I think Vanessa did some training with you guys on Dropserv I believe last week.
00:04:41 Doug Starks
So I’ve got some ideas on how you can use the data the training systems to really maximize your Dropserv service you do on. That I’m sorry to interrupt you. The screen that you’re showing just as connected to go to webinar.
00:04:54 Vanessa Roberts
Did you say that you were going to put up some slides? Oh yeah, I.
00:04:58 Doug Starks
I think it might just show on the wrong screen.
00:05:01 Vanessa Roberts
OK, let me see.
00:05:04 Doug Starks
But you’re the presenter.
00:05:05 Vanessa Roberts
But I think it’s like it’s just showing the wrong tab or the screen. Yes, there we go. OK. Must have clicked on.
00:05:12 Doug Starks
OK, thanks, Vanessa. All right, So yeah, I’m at the beginning top slide, so I’m going to get a position. So going to go over Dropserv. I can maximize the Dropserv service using big data profits going to go over also kind of I think from what I understand, drop service kind of going after high end type individuals and businesses. So I’m going to show you how you can also tap into, I believe you guys doing some things with affiliate products. So how you can tap into not only high end people with high end incomes, high incomes, high net worth, that would be great with Dropsurf, but also show you how you can go after just affiliate products in general. Really use SBS to your advantage for affiliate at any affiliate products. And I’ll, I’ll show you I mean here in just a minute or so.
00:06:06 Doug Starks
So go over, as I mentioned ERTCSCTC. How do you use SBS to reach out to prospects? And a lot of people are doing that service. Bryant, I’m going to go over just a refresher on the last July, talk to you guys about how, how to use SBS in in big data profits to start your own SAS business. So I’ll kind of touch upon that got some time. And then lastly, if you’re with Brian with his body miracle product, got a really cool thing I’m going to show you had one of my databases that might help you reach out to people and I’ll show you that. But I thought I’d start with kind of an overview of my data and training systems and then we’ll go touch on some of these specifics. But again, jump in with any questions that you have and I can jump in and see.
00:07:01 Doug Starks
I see DAZ is in here, so that’s cool. DAZ is part of big data profits using Target Data Pro for Geo targeting specific areas for my clients. So DAZ is doing that. So that’s cool to see, but yeah, let’s do that. Let me jump into Target Data Pro. And as you can see here, this is the dashboard with all the databases. And as Vanessa said, you can really do some hyper targeting. It’s not the usual name, address, maybe a phone number, maybe not.
00:07:39 Doug Starks
As you can see, you’ve got US consumers database. Just a overview of that. Didn’t mean to click that. Let me go back out. This has landlines and the cell phone database has just as it says cell phones and each of these have the same slacks. We just separate the landlines here and the cell phones there. We’ve got the ailment database. I’m going to show you that how you can use that for body miracle.
00:08:08 Doug Starks
We’ve got true donors database, which is people that have given at least $15 or more to a charity. We’ve got the auto database where you can target all kinds of manufacturers, dates, all kinds of ways that you can target for autos. So you can see here you can get into older information, auto information and everything from make, model and and and whatnot. So got that database you in Canada or want Canadian database? There are two databases. We’ve got a consumer database and a business database. They’re not quite as robust as some of the other databases that are in the US just because of the laws and the regulations with Canada, but some good information there. We’ve got the new connect.
00:09:10 Doug Starks
Sometimes we call this new movers database. This is great for thinking about affiliate products. Well, I’m thinking of it. Choose your list. I’ve been down here. You can see you can target people that just say moved in last week, last 90 days, last 30 days. Think welcome basket, but thank virtual, you know, think all the different services, products that you can go after people that just moved in to their home and send them an e-mail because you can get their emails too. OK, so there’s the new connects, new movers, and then there’s the business executives.
00:10:00 Doug Starks
This is a great way to hyper target businesses by things like sales volume, number of employees, think ertc, which I’ll get into that here shortly. And lastly, you’ve got the property owners database. This is great for Realtors, great for Realty investment companies. As you can see, you can target both occupied and absentee owners, which are great for house flippers, real estate investors, that’s sort of thing. So that’s the databases and then the training site. Won’t go into this in detail, of course, but you can see you’ve got the training, mastering with data, actually how to use the system. Very short. I think there’s only a dozen videos, so you can quickly learn how to use the system.
00:10:52 Doug Starks
Got a quick start course to get you going. You know, pretty much A-Z in less than an hour. You’ve got all the training videos that we’ve had over last four years. You can see some of the different things we’ve done over the years. We just did some storm marketing, you know, here’s that SAS training we did over about two months with the group, I did with the SBS group and see all the different things we’ve done over this year. See the birthday marketing training. I’m going to touch on that here shortly. You can see access to the different Dun few sales page, Dun few PowerPoint.
00:11:35 Doug Starks
Now go to the dashboard kind of goes over the and this is the first thing you see. You see the Dun few training sites, the details on that. So I’ll get into that here shortly, but any questions so far, anything you want me to touch on, let me know as I continue. Is this part of small batch system or is an extra service? It’s not, it’s. Yeah.
00:12:02 Vanessa Roberts
Hey, Doug, I’ll help with that one. So Tracy, Big Profits, it’s a course and product and service that Brian and myself endorse for small batch members who are looking to use a more advanced contact list building tool than the one that comes included and free with your small batch. And what Doug was just saying with those, the donors and the consumers and the birthday, I want you all to think not only about ways you can use these lists for your own direct marketing, but also think about selling the service to businesses to help them generate clients. So think of this in two tiers as you listen to everything Doug’s going to say because it is exponentially powerful when you remove the limitation of thinking of only using these people for you to reach out to. OK. OK. Doug, turning it back over to you. Yeah, no, that’s an excellent point actually, because a great majority of people when I talk big data, the first thing they think of is, Oh yeah, big data.
00:13:09 Doug Starks
I use that to define clients. But I, I think personally doing this for 6-7 years, the business data is great, works great, but the power is on the, as I’ll show you, I think is in the consumer end because you can use it to reach out to people, but then use it for a service several ways. But I’ll show you. But let’s first just look at kind of talking about drop serve store and digital marketing services and jump in with other questions and ideas around this. But thought I’d show you how to target kind of high end people who own businesses and you can use this data for drop serve services selling, you know, the services that talk about Matt, or you can use it also with, you know, with any service affiliate products. You can use it with selling big data profits in a SAS fashion, which I’ll touch on, but you’ll want to pick your list first. I usually like to exclude DNC, so we’re not calling people on the DNC list. But as you can see now, this is kind of the typical targeting and I won’t go in into detail on the slacks because there’s hundreds of slacks to choose from.
00:14:24 Doug Starks
But you’ve got geography here. We can target several ways including Geo targeting, which I’ll show you here shortly. You’ve got buying habits. So think this may be potentially for both drop serve people, people from an affiliate product standpoint because we’re going to be showing you and talking about like high income individuals. So all of these high income individuals, really anybody in general might be into any of these type products here. So you know, any of these here from crafts to luggage, religious jewelry, home and garden, all these people can be targeted from an affiliate standpoint. You’ve got apparel, you can see everything from infants, men’s, women’s clothing, that sort of thing. You’ve got buying places, membership clubs, people that buy online.
00:15:22 Doug Starks
OK, you’ve got credit. You want to get into, you know a credit data profits was which is one of my done few sites. You can target people with lower credit scores and range of credit, typically things that credit repair companies like you’ve got ethnicity. So if you want to hone in on any, any type of ethnic group, as you can see, there’s an A-Z list of every kind of ethnic group available. You know, this is kind of really going to set yourself apart if you’ve got any product or service that you can reach out to people with an e-mail and SVS. And again, you know, so we said hyper targeting, not the usual person, you know, most people go after, you can go after all kinds of things and then hone in some of these products and sell them to, you know, sell them to the different ethnic groups, you know, through SBS. So you’ve got ethnicity, you’ve got top 12:00, you got everything from age, income. But I’m going to show you here shortly presence of children are they homeowners got credit cards.
00:16:30 Doug Starks
If you want to target people by certain credit card types here you’ve got you can go after had a household. You can go after an e-mail under deliverability mortgage. You can see super robust slacks just has the most slacks of anything and I do training on mortgage. I call my big 5 niches Realty insurance I get in the birthday marketing. You know I get into all these different niches that I think work great with this type of hyper targeted data property. You can see wait for Realtors home home insurance salespeople target by certain property types occupation. So this would be here when we’re talking say drop serve, for instance, or, or you know, a lot of these services I’ll talk about you can go after. So here, well, I’ll make just jump, jump around services.
00:17:35 Doug Starks
I’ll get this SETSETCSCTC if I can say it here in a second. So here’s an A-Z of occupation. So if you want to go after say someone in advertised, for instance, you can do that. Let me just look at the bottom. So it goes in there. Well, I’ll just leave that blank. So someone in advertising who has higher income and this would be the family income. So if there’s a man, woman or or whoever two people in the household, this would be their kind of their combined household income.
00:18:17 Doug Starks
So if I’m going to go after say high end individual making say at least 150 to 250,000 plus, you know, millionaires and whatnot, you can do that. OK, so see how you can do that high end type service talking about drop serve. But you guys have seen if you can go after, you know, the services that sell there, you can pop in. I think you can pop in, you know, your own services like big data profit services to sell data in a, in a SAS method would be ideal. Pop that sort of service. And I’ll get into the SAS business here in a second. But does everybody see how you can target kind of the high income individuals? Let me know if there’s any questions on that.
00:19:00 Doug Starks
So keep going. Go to the bottom here we pull a list of dog owners. Yeah, that’s a great question. Let me show you. So down in there would be an interest under pets go after not only dog owners, but people that are in the pets, cats, other if they got an Iguana maybe under the other. So great question. That’s from Tracy. Appreciate that.
00:19:47 Doug Starks
So as you can see, you can go after people for any of that drop surface high end type service. So you know, people that have money and then you could target, you know, my product apparel buying type, you know, a certain type of other maybe affiliate type product. So not only are you selling. Say a high end service to that guy who’s in advertising, maybe a lawyer, maybe, you know, think high end type of demographic. So not only can you then sell them a service, but then you can turn around with that same list. That’s that’s cool about this is you can use the same list multiple multiple ways, multiple times. You can turn around with that same list and then sell maybe A to the dog owner, you know, the high end advertising person that makes $1,000,000 plus, you know, how many dog treats or or dog toys do you think that person can buy? You know, think, think outside the box, you know, with all kinds of ways you can use this type of data.
00:20:54 Doug Starks
So yeah, there is occupation household type get into some birthday data here we talked about some of the SAS ways to to use it. Here’s I’ve done a little old training just around today’s veteran’s day. So if you do want to target veterans, you know, think furniture stores, they do all kinds of furniture, you know, type of sales think you know, who can, who can benefit from veteran data. Just thought I’d mention that. So let’s see what else target, you know, adults think down here. My son is 17 looking at colleges and he’s got this huge stack. He’s got good grades and, and, and, and there’s all kinds of schools that are after him. But think of going after boys and girls in this kind of say, age range here, you know, not necessarily colleges, but think of all the different people in that category apply it to the other, you know, other types there.
00:22:05 Doug Starks
But just thought I’d mention that. But the donor gets into the donor database somewhere to the other donor database that I’ve got taps in the to the same or similar database. And then interest. And we’re talking about affiliate stuff. You can see everything from entertainment wise, computers, education instruments, PC gaming and see all the different ways you can use this for affiliate marketing. It’s just basically sending out cold emails. That’s what SBS is all about. And see general interest there.
00:22:46 Doug Starks
Collectors, you’ve got fitness is always a big category for affiliate products. Hobbies, OK. And you can see all the different things. Pets, I showed you sports is a huge one for affiliate. And then there’s investors, people that invest in properties. You can go after people that own a certain number of properties. Good way to target their investment types. Again, you can use say from an affiliate standpoint, potentially with some of those high end services, say AI think what AI crypto, you know type service you could put into to your drop serve or you could just do it with without drop serve too.
00:23:37 Doug Starks
But you can get an idea what you could do with investments. People would have different types of investments, so I’ll try to go in detail on the cell phone database because this is the one that I personally use a whole lot of. Any questions on any of that, let me know. Otherwise I’ll keep going be Amy’s asking or her mentioning. I heard that the average amount spent on pets for Christmas is 650. Yeah, that tells you right there, Amy. It’s a booming business, which I know it is. I’ve got a, I laugh because gosh, I don’t know how many 203040 thousand I’ve probably spent between products, food and toys and especially trips to the vet and vet, the vet hospital with my dog over the last, I think he just turned 10, so he’s 10 years old.
00:24:34 Doug Starks
So yeah, pets is a huge industry. Well, that’s the cell phone database. Let me just go back to my PowerPoint to stay on track. We talked about drop serve affiliate products. Let’s next talk about ertc and SCTC because I know you guys are a lot of you guys are using doing that service through Bryant. And so for let’s just start back out here, 2 places, three places I should say, ideally US consumers with landlines is a good database for that cell phone database, of course, and then the business executive database. So let’s just go into the cell phone database, show you how you can pull some good SCTC and ertc clients. I personally like to use this list so we’re not calling people on the DNC list and you can choose by geography, which I’m going to get into more of the Geo targeting system here.
00:25:38 Doug Starks
You can use with the RTC in several ways, but choose your geography. But one of the biggest slacks it’s going to be down here your occupation select. OK, So if you want to go after SCTC self-employed people, I did a training if you’re part of that group, I did a training with Sid a number of weeks ago really recently. So you could check that out inside there, the replay, but I went did a whole hour on just SCTC. But you can go after SCT or self-employed individuals there owners you want to go after owners who are self-employed and what not. So that’s a good way for SCTC specifically. And if you want to just go after individual, you can see you can go after individual categories there. And this is what I like to use here.
00:26:39 Doug Starks
Let’s just say realtor. Realtor can be applied both ERTC. Some of the big Realtors have their LLCS who can benefit from the ERTC. And then what’s cool about Realtors, it’s not only can you target for ERTC, but say the broker that has his LLC that you help with the ERTC, especially a big broker, he’s going to have, you know, 2 to 200 real estate agents under him. And also then you can then use him as a referral to get in with, you know, Hey, I’ve helped you with the ERTC love to if I can help any of your individual agents who are under you as the broker. Because majority of the Realtors are 1099. They’re not employees, you know, of the realtor, they’re 1099. So they’re self-employed.
00:27:35 Doug Starks
So you can have all kinds of people, not only through just real estate alone. And you can apply this same methodology to other niches. Go after, you know, the big boys and girls that have the LLCS and then go after the people underneath them. Another good example of that would be painters. I was on the painting industry through Sherwin-Williams right out of college. My first thing. So very, very familiar with painters, but think painters, same thing. Painters, you know, the owner’s going to have typically an LLC may be just a self-employed setup, but then they’ve got, you know, one the depending on the size 100 plus painters that are all under, under that painting company owner that you can go after for SATC.
00:28:30 Doug Starks
So a couple I think cool niches go after they’re for SATC. And then if you want to get into more hyper targeting with this ability and either the cell phone or the consumer database with the landline with those two databases you can go after an e-mail. So you can then target by occupation and get their e-mail. And keep in mind you want to validate your emails. Typically seeing across all data industries, including ours, 30 to 40% validation rate, it’s pretty standard. So keep that in mind. So that’s a couple things for ERTCSETC. Any questions on that specifically?
00:29:17 Doug Starks
Before we talk about a few other ways you can use data and training systems, let me just check the queue name. So I don’t see any event, so I’m going to keep going. Appreciate all your input and your questions as I continue. So let’s look at the PowerPoint to stay on track. All right, so let’s talk about using big data, profits and SPS. This will be a refresher for some of you it whole training. You can check it out in big data profits. It’s about an hour or so basically, if it goes into detail how to use your SBS to start your own SAS business.
00:30:03 Doug Starks
So whole idea and this is what I did about five years ago and I around the same time I started with Brian. I was tired of, you know, some of the high end services like SEO and and some of the social medias were just took a lot of my time. You know, I had 30 to 50 clients paying anywhere from a couple thousand to, you know, 10,000 on up, but it was just super high stressed. And once I got into selling services like you’re seeing with big data profits and some other ones, you know, just the idea of sending people to a sales page, which I’m going to get into not dealing with, you know, hours and hours of back and forth with clients. You can basically use what you what I’m going to show you to have your own SAS business. So bright people to a sales page they buy and then you’re just turning over the data and training systems to them. So, and lastly, I’ll touch on the hail that’s below me. I’ve got a slide that just goes over.
00:31:15 Doug Starks
Oh yeah, before I forget to mention this, everyone here in this so far, if you do stay to the end, I’m going to give you guys a really good deal. You know, if we stayed in the end show, you know, show your interaction, ask good questions and we’re going to give everybody that showed up and interacts and a really good deal. So stay tuned. One over the different ways to use big data profits for ertc. Let me touch on the one here that I just saw. Here’s the Geo targeting system, because you can use this, there are all kinds of ways just beyond ertc think of for ertc targeting, say a downtown area. Let me show you two ways you can use this. And this is what I’d say is the wow factor of the system.
00:32:10 Doug Starks
This is what they mentioned got me into data about 6-7 years ago when I eventually start Big data profits. Is this what I’m going to show you here? But think, oh, let’s just do or TC. You want to target downtown area of city, it’s going to be downtown. Do search only. We can create a radius. So I’m going to do a radius of say a mile or say 1/2 mile in and around the downtown Champaign area. You can put in district, you can put in parish, you can do all kinds of things there.
00:32:57 Doug Starks
But as you can see, it just tired of the downtown area. So if you want to go after all the businesses, say in downtown Champaign, downtown Chicago, you know, downtown, wherever you can do so. And then everywhere inside that circle it’s counted. OK, I’m going to think of the same sort of thing for Realtors. I think circle prospecting data, you can think of home insurance, you know things that we touch on on a couple of the done for you training site products, Realtor data, profits, insurance data profits. I think of circle prospecting where a realtor puts in an address and then they can reach out to people, say within 1/4 mile to 1/2 mile around their listing. And then they could send out again, use of SBS, send out emails to all the people within 1/4 mile, half mile of the listing. You know, if they’re having an open house, I can reach out to those people.
00:34:01 Doug Starks
Once they’ve sold the house, they can also reach out to those people. And then there’s also renter data. You can target renters for real estate, but that’s kind of what I think is cool. And then I just finished some training last week is store marketing. You know, think of having a hail map or a hurricane map, Blizzard, whatever kind of store map up on the screen, say with the roofer and then going just side by side with that same screen targeting that same area that got hardest hit by hail. You know, So think that and ideal you’re doing this with the Ripper. Ripper says, yeah, come over here. It’s target over from here on up to here, over to there.
00:34:55 Doug Starks
You know, the swarm, whatever got hit, the area of champagne got hardest hit right there. So we target that area. OK, so now not only can you do circle prospecting, you know, with the circle there, you can target specific areas. I’ve done this with Realtors, insurance agents, targeted all, all kinds of different areas of various cities this way. So some cool things you can do there with Geo targeting. Let’s see. Don’t see any questions coming through, so let me continue. So once you’re targeting ARTC and then let me talk about some ways you can use the system for your own SAS business.
00:35:48 Doug Starks
Again, check out bigdataprofits.com with the in depth webinar that I did recently. Well, actually, that was back in July. But here’s another way. You can use SPS, especially through e-mail, to reach out to prospects. But #1 it’s a matter of updating your sales page. And we give you the sales page, which I’ll show you right here. You just get your domain, you install your WordPress, and then we install a, it’s got insurance language, but I do training basically how you can change any of the language and make the sales page relevant to whatever niche you’re working with. OK, so that’s step #1 update your sales page seems quite it’s coming through here.
00:36:56 Doug Starks
Know something yet engrossed fascinated. This is Carl. This sounds good. Do spam laws just as asking a lot of targeting racial groups. I don’t it’s not really anything spammy with SBS. If you’re using, you know, a cold e-mail system, you just have to Vanessa, correct me if I’m wrong. You just have to have a way to for people to opt out. Right.
00:37:24 Vanessa Roberts
I think Jessica, you’re thinking about like Facebook ads where they won’t let you target based, excuse me, they won’t let you target certain things like credit offers based on race. But for emailing, if you’re segmenting your list, you are able to segment based on that on racial information. That is not against can spam law. Not at all. Yeah, exactly.
00:37:53 Doug Starks
Just have a way to for people to opt out. You’ll be hand spam compliant as they say. But yeah, appreciate the question. So that’s number one. Starting your own fast business #2 you get one of the the training sites and, and you’ll see from the special offer that I’m going to let you guys in on, you’re going to get access to all four of these. And I’ll start, I won’t go into detail, we’re interested in time, but I started out with, I think the first one was insurance data profits. And this is really your ability to have your own SAS business because what you’re doing is you’re turning over your clients. You’re going to send them an e-mail and I can show you certain emails how to do this and you may have some already in there.
00:38:45 Doug Starks
Reach out, get someone’s interest, and then you’re basically just going in and then giving, in this case the insurance agent access to your system. They’re going to get information on this and target data pro here, they’re going to get information on mastering the data. These are all the same videos that you’ve got access to in inside of your big data profits training site. You get all 13 videos so they can then do their own training and then they get marketing resources and then your own marketing resources here. So that’s the first one we did. You can see down here, I’m in admin mode. It’ll look a little different. But down here you add your members.
00:39:41 Doug Starks
Here’s those 13 videos you’ll see consistent on all the products. And then what’s cool here is you’re turning over the site. And then in this case the realtor, they could learn how to pull that Geo targeted data that I showed you. And then same thing like they use that same data, go over how to use an e-mail template. Then I give them the template, you know, everything’s done for you, done for them. Same thing with each one of these categories. And the render data goes over how to pull for the realtor, how to pull the render data. And then they get each one of these templates.
00:40:19 Doug Starks
I go over how to do a custom audience Facebook for Facebook ads. And then here just you as a member of big data profits, you could have done few PowerPoint, done few sales page all around realtor. And then the deep dive where I go into A-Z how to find a realtor use these resources to close them. I go into fulfillment mode, how to use the data that you see here when I go over different pricing options. So you get that. So that’s the second one I did. And the birthday pro data profits, just like it says all around birthday data. Think restaurants.
00:41:00 Doug Starks
So here’s the same videos here I go over how to pull the birthday data here I’d go over the e-mail template, postcard, telemark and Facebook. And again, you get these resources here done for you. And then lastly was credit data profits. And again, each one of these is its own profit center. So you’re, you’re turning over, you’re sending out an e-mail, you’re turning over the training to in this case, the credit repair specialist. And they’ve got their own resources, you know, but they may say, oh, this is great e-mail template, but you know, I don’t want to do the e-mail myself. e-mail it. So then guess what, not only on top of selling data, you can sell them e-mail marketing services.
00:41:50 Doug Starks
And we did a whole, we did the whole case study over two or three months, I think February through what May, June, I believe we, we had, we had an insurance guy. And you can see all this on the sales page. We had an insurance person, we had a credit repair person and we had a realtor. And we basically just turned it over. The training they used, we helped them, they used SBS to cold e-mail people. And then, yeah, we show you how to do all that. So not only can you sell data, you can also sell the services, SPS e-mail marketing services specifically. OK, so you got the sales page, you turn your clients over with one to one of the sites and then you then turn over Target Datapro to your clients.
00:42:49 Doug Starks
And that’s as easy as just sending us an e-mail and letting us know in support the name of your client which databases you want them to have access to and then how many credits to give them. And then we can set up their own, their own account, Target Data Pro. And then you’re just basically, you know, charging a fee couple $100, maybe an access fee, if you can get it anywhere from say 300 to 1000 on up. And then just turning, turning your clients over, you know, to the, to the training and to target data pro. And then you’ve got your own fast business. So that’s kind of the gist of, of, of that. See, something’s coming through here. Let me see, don’t successful Realtors brokers already have access to data systems like this?
00:43:49 Doug Starks
Great question, Carl. My experience is this. This is really what got me into data like I said 6-7 years ago is through that deal targeting system. From my experience there, there are Realtors that have access to data, but number one, it’s not updated like our data is or easy comes packaged in a dialing system from what I’ve seen and that’s great positioning. It’s like, Oh yeah, we give you X number of of minutes to this dialing system and we give you free data. But from my experience talking to Realtors, the data is not as good anywhere near the accuracy and they can’t do a lot of the Geo car link with those type systems, you know, with the dialing system. So that’s my experience. Yeah, Carl, that might be a good reason they aren’t successful.
00:44:47 Doug Starks
Yeah. Yeah, exactly. And then Diane says I have a small newspaper, Can I use your date for labels of new movers? Yeah, exactly. Yeah, that’s a great, a great usage. Yeah. You can target new movers, say just moving into a neighborhood next couple weeks, next month and then put out a case study or a nut case study, but a directory rather of, you know, different businesses. You can do kind of the welcome basket, except in a digital form.
00:45:30 Doug Starks
That’s a great idea. So let me go back to my PowerPoint just to stand. We got about 15 minutes. All right. Talked about getting access to target data, pull Target Data Pro and you Create an e-mail to reach out to your prospects. Mention that after they purchase from you, So they said you connect them with the training site access to Target Data Pro. I don’t know what’s cool too, but I didn’t mention is not only do they get access to target data Pro, but they also get access to all the different training sites that you want them to give access to. And I just, OK, I just, I just remembered access to, to the support system, which is huge because you can, you know, stay up to date with your clients, keep them happy, answer their questions.
00:46:41 Doug Starks
But on a day-to-day basis, if they’ve got any questions on either the training or anything inside of target data pro, you can just give them the same access. Help it get support dot biz and we actually handle the support for your clients. So that alone is going to save you a ton of time if you want to do the SAS business, you know with your SBS. So that is kind of went through all that fairly quickly. In the interest of time, any questions on using SBS and big data profits for your own SAS business? I’ll cut you on a couple other things here before we wrap things up. See anything coming through? Let me come over to the very bottom.
00:47:36 Doug Starks
I’ll continue. So I believe the last thing I wanted to touch on was the ailment database because Brian’s got that new product that can help people in various ways. Now let me show you something inside Target Data Pro back up in the dashboard. We can come up with all kinds of ways inside this one database alone besides helping people with brands, weight loss product. But again, here you’ve got geography, so you can target certain cities, counties, zip codes. You can Add all kinds of demographics to it, everything from age to income, marital status, net worth. If you want to go after the people that we, you know, know, can afford that type of weight loss, or you want to maybe go after high net worth individuals, maybe you want to go after people, you know, in the upper, you know, in 35 to 75 plus, you know, we target people, maybe not the younger, younger group. You know, again, keep in mind that the more of these selects you choose, the less number of data records that you’ll get back.
00:49:11 Doug Starks
Keep that in mind. But here’s what’s where it gets cool here. It’s here’s the ailment database. As you can see, there’s an A-Z kind of like occupations A-Z list of everything from, you know, there’s contacts. I work contacts and this just came to mind. Stopped wearing contacts pretty much last three weeks because I’ve got good old dry eye disease. So think of selling. I laughed because I connected with a guy on TikTok that he sent me like $200 worth of the stuff.
00:49:49 Doug Starks
I think, you know, affiliate with this guy. I’m thinking about, you know, selling dry eye products to people that have contacts because a lot of people, if you go after people with contacts and are older, that’s a good indicator that a good percentage of them have dry eyes. You know, it’s just something off top of my head. I thought you can see all kinds of ailments and conditions as you can see, unless you might be able to tell me that the same drug for weight loss can be used for diabetes. Maybe not, but here’s. Diabetes I was prescribed the medication tirzepatide for treatment of my type 2 diabetes, you know caused by obesity and the you know, of course it was, I sought it out for that reason. I had been on type 2 diabetes oral tablets that I took two or three times a day.
00:50:44 Vanessa Roberts
It was, you know, it managed my diabetes, but it didn’t have the benefit of, you know, weight loss as a side effect and also, you know, as daily tablets. So I jumped to the chance to start with tirzepatide and as of this morning I’ve lost 214 lbs. That’s awesome.
00:51:02 Doug Starks
Congrats big time. And I no longer have touch for diabetes.
00:51:05 Vanessa Roberts
I no longer have high cholesterol. I no longer have high blood pressure and now I’m just, you know, regular chunky, not about to die morbidly obese. So yeah, it’s yeah. I can’t endorse it enough for sure. Yeah, that’s great to hear, definitely, Amy says.
00:51:23 Doug Starks
Do you know another name for Alzheimer’s is type 3 diabetes? Yeah. There’s a lot of research that shows that dementia in Alzheimer’s is based on insulin and sugar, the inability to processes related to diabetes and in other countries they treat the mental decline with dementia, Alzheimer, et cetera, the way they treat diabetes.
00:51:47 Vanessa Roberts
Absolutely. The obesity epidemic and insulin and blood sugar, all that stuff that’s terrible in America because of our National Health crisis with obesity, in my opinion is yes, Amy, contributing to that as we get older, definitely. Yeah, I’ve always wondered that myself because my mom’s got like mid to late states Alzheimer’s, and I always thought, you know, what you put in, no, that’s OK.
00:52:15 Doug Starks
What you put in your body, you know, really effects I think everything. So it’s like, yeah, you know, growing up it was all about, you know, dumping sugar, making your, your kool-aid, you know, and everything else sugar related. But I’m sure, yeah, I’m sure. I know my dad, mom or or either diabetic or or or almost there. Yeah, we would sit. Down, I tell people, and like they can’t believe it.
00:52:42 Vanessa Roberts
We would sit down with our cereal at breakfast on like Saturday morning, the Frosted Flakes and sugar pops and all that. And we had a bowl, a Sugar Bowl on the table that we would pour our Frosted Flakes in and then completely unmonitored, father included, like scooping spoonfuls of sugar into our whole milk on our sugary cereal, like. And that was, yeah, that was just how it was done. That’s how we ate cereal. Oh yeah, yeah, that’s just, that was the norm, yeah.
00:53:13 Doug Starks
Well, you know, now that we know better, we do better.
00:53:16 Vanessa Roberts
Like my kids are in a much better situation than I was in. But now like being able to help and bring to the masses. This medication it the the product is called body miracle. And I’ve always said this before it became cliche, like it’s not magic. This this shot didn’t magically make me wake up one day super skinny perfect body. But it is 100% a miracle in my life because I battled weight loss for over a decade and I was not successful until this shot. And the ability to bring it to the mass is ’cause it’s hard to get, you know, there was shortages, insurance doesn’t want to cover it, etcetera, etcetera. It was cost prohibitive for a very long time for a lot of people.
00:54:05 Vanessa Roberts
But this is through a established well respected Teledoctor. We’ve partnered with them and a national pharmacy. So I mean, it’s completely legit above board, but we are able to bring it to people who aren’t able to access this kind of medication in other ways. So I’m, I’m really proud of it. Yeah, that’s awesome to be able to offer that at a good price.
00:54:34 Doug Starks
The people can can get directly, you know one stop shop get get help with a doctor and and medicine. And to have the the medical care in the privacy of your own home, It was hard for me to go to a doctor’s office and have that conversation in person.
00:54:50 Vanessa Roberts
It was that was part of the reason I didn’t get help until I did was getting over that fear. But being able to do it in the privacy, like have your consultation in your home, in your privacy, in your comfort zone is it’s, it’s huge. Yeah, very good, very good.
00:55:09 Doug Starks
But yeah, you can see here how you can go after and I’ll show you kind of the weight aspect here. Here’s the diabetes, you know, that might might like we just said, might benefit from that same medication, but you can see just going there’s just three pages, but you can see the other conditions like there’s diabetic came up. Just going to see if there’s some other ones to to look at. You can see a little bit of everything. There’s classes for the dry eye thing sells some dry eye products, LASIK insomnia got a little bit of everything. Then I think the next one it’s going to have and on the weight loss, here’s obesity, snoring. Snoring comes with some of that. And so I’ve got, yeah, I’ve got a thing I wear at night.
00:56:06 Doug Starks
So I I’ve got that. So you can always sell products like that. But yeah, you’ve got weight. You’ve got weight here. And I think the last one it’s got obesity weight and then the other slide. That’s it. But yeah, you’ve got a couple, two or three things that that I think would be great. You know, with with that product, you know, sending out emails to people that have these conditions.
00:56:36 Doug Starks
And then yeah, just use SBS called e-mail system. But that sort of thing I’ve got we’re at the top of the up where I do do want to give, it’s OK with you, Vanessa, a special deal for everyone that that has been on this live, especially if you go to and we opened it up again. I just did that this morning. Make sure it’s there for you guys. If you go to bigdataprofits.com, we got a special dollar deal and it’s the same, same webinar that you’ll see same deal where you can, it talks in the webinar about your own SAS business, but you can apply, you know, everything that you just heard from me ertc, the affiliate, the Officer Bryant’s latest weight loss product. You can apply all that and and use your SPS system, but I’m going to give you the same bonuses that we did in July, which is doubling. I think just off the top of my head, Vanessa, doubling the credits. Yeah, you’re going to get a seven day trial just for a block.
00:57:42 Doug Starks
And then once you get going, I’m going to double your credits. So instead of 3000 credits, you’re going to get 6000 credits your first month. Or you can apply that to use pull all the data we just talked about for use with SBS. But yeah, open, open that up maybe to 2020, maybe people that that take advantage of it here, however they go, however soon. They go, yeah, this is, yeah, this is a course.
00:58:07 Vanessa Roberts
So you’re not just getting the ability to pull list, you’re getting the full platinum big Data profits course, which for non small batch members sells for $697.00. That’s completely waived. So for a dollar you get the course, right? And then you get 7 day trial to go in work with the software because you can use the software yourself for pulse and you can also sell. That’s what software as a service or a SAS account is. You can then it becomes a product that you can sell businesses. So you can either sell them a sub account of your own right so they can self-serve, or you can sell them the service of helping them generate clients by using small batch to e-mail to the lists that you generate through big data profits makes sense. Or you could just sell them data and let them work it themselves.
00:59:02 Vanessa Roberts
There is an A really a lot of different avenues that you can use to reach profits right? Big profits, big data profits with this course. So, but you get the training on how to maximize the big data profits system, product list Gen. course and the ability to sell the accounts to other businesses. That training is inside big data profits. So as a small batch, remember you get all of that for a dollar. So I know folks are saying, you know, is this something I have to buy? Da, da, da, da, the dollar gets you in for the training and the course, etcetera.
00:59:39 Vanessa Roberts
And you get 7 days to test out the list pull so you can see how powerful that targeted data is, right? And then if you want to continue using the list and the data, then the seven day trial goes into a membership, right? What’s the difference between big Data profits and Target Data Pro? That’s a great question, Carl. Big Data Profits is the name of the course and the product, everything that you’re getting today. Target Data Pro is the software. That Big data profits uses to generate those targeted lists. OK, so target Datapro is the software that comes with big data profits.
01:00:20 Vanessa Roberts
Let me know if that doesn’t make sense or if there’s any follow up questions. Got OK, Awesome jazz. Great, Great, great. Great. All right, So I have dropped the link. Just big data, profits.com. I’m dropping that in the chat for everybody. Yeah, I appreciate that.
01:00:37 Doug Starks
Yeah, she’s talking 2 two things you got. You got the system that pulls the data, or you just turn it over and let your clients ideally pull it. You know the SAS method and you’ve got the training. You’ve got the training that teaches you how to do it. And 3rd you’ve got access to in that something I forgot to mention, it’s on the sales page is that instead of the usual one done from training site, these sites that help you start your own SAS business, we’re going to give you because I’m going to honor, honor what we did in July, we’re going to give you 3 of these. Each one, each one of the sites is worth $500. We’re going to give you access so you can you can ask for any one of the three and you can get the the 4th one at half price. So we’re going to give you the training sites.
01:01:28 Doug Starks
So not only do you get access to the training site, but you’re going to get one of the done few or three of the done few training sites, I should say for free on top of the double credits. So let’s see someone’s asking. 3000 credits means 3000. That’s an excellent question. That’s how you say your name. One credit, the one credit equals one data record. But you can do unlimited searches. So when you talk searches, there’s two things.
01:02:05 Doug Starks
You get unlimited. You can do unlimited counts or searches and unlimited reports. So you get that. You get. That’s part of that. So you get, you’re going to get 500 and we, and we used to not even do this unless we didn’t give people credits, but we’re going to give you 500 views during your trial and then you’re going to get 3000 credits. Normally you get 3000 credits a month. You know it’s part of your, your, your monthly, but we’re going to double that for you as soon as you come on board after your seven days.
01:02:41 Doug Starks
01:02:41 Vanessa Roberts
So what Doug is saying is that for non small batch members, if you were able, if you joined without paying the 697, if you had any kind of trial, you weren’t given any downloads of your records. So imagine this say you want to do you want to do you want to want to search and you want to see if there’s results. So you do a search for restaurants in Marietta, GA, right? And let’s freakishly, there’s only 13 results and you know, you see it and you’re like, oh, you know, this isn’t usable. You haven’t spent any credits yet, right? But say then you do restaurants in Atlanta, GA and you get 1000 returns and you look at them and like, OK, this is quality of stuff. This is something I can work with. Those credits don’t just get you name, e-mail, phone number, right?
01:03:32 Vanessa Roberts
You get the complete data record, one credit per record. It’s all of the relevant information, right? And so you get 500 during your trial so that you can test. That’s 500 records. Then you continue your membership. Instead of getting 3000 every month, you get 6. Does all of that make sense how the credits work? Yeah, 6.
01:03:58 Vanessa Roberts
1000 your first month and then 3000 after that. Yeah, we’re going to double your credits your first month to kind of kick things off for you.
01:04:05 Doug Starks
That’s what we want to do. Yeah.
01:04:07 Vanessa Roberts
And then once you get rolling with it, you get a, if you need more than 3000 records, of course you can buy more members get extremely discounted credit pricing. So it’s it’s a great deal to one off buy credits. But if you get a customer right and you need more credits because you’re feeding it to a customer, boom, your customer. What you’re charging your customer is paying for the credit usage. Yeah, that’s a good point Somebody just recently bought it was a nice amount.
01:04:37 Doug Starks
I, I need to contact him and get a case study from but to the credit thing is I think he bought 50 or 60,000 credits recently, but he just turned around this, this is what’s cool is, is he can then turn around at two cents that he paid for you can this is data brokerage one O 1 is you can not only sell at $0.02 to another marketing company, it’s a $0.10 OK, which, which is a great deal and I bought all day every day I, I tell people like 6-7 years ago before we got into big data profits as I was buying data at four and a half cents more than double what you guys have for price at A at a 5K minimum. And I was brokering data to mark other marketing companies and to what I call end users like the, the, the Realtors, the insurance agents and whatnot. So you’ve got to, you know, because we get millions of data records, we bought and buy them. You just get 2 cents at a 2K minimum so that you can then turn around like the guy that I mentioned. You can then broker data and resell it several ways at that price. So yeah, let me see if there’s any other questions coming through here. I’ve not seen anything. Do you, Vanessa?
01:06:03 Doug Starks
No, it looks like everybody is gets it and they think, you know from what I’m saying, everybody thinks it’s a great, great tool, great opportunity.
01:06:14 Vanessa Roberts
Like like Doug said, we can’t extend this outside of small batch. So please don’t share the link, right? And we can take 20 folks into big data profits and and offer this double credit bonuses course, etcetera, etcetera. So everybody that’s on today, I will share this with the small batch community. But once these 20 are claimed, I’m going to have to shut it down, right? So it’s only a dollar. So like this is not a high pressure situation, but I’m going to say it’s only $1.20 spots are going to go fast. If you’d like to try it out, do sooner rather than later.
01:06:55 Vanessa Roberts
Give it, you know, it’s a seven day trial. Give it this week. Get in there. Doug and the team are standing by to help you with any questions. So when’s our first live training? Our next live training? Next live training is this Thursday at 1:00 PM EST and I do trainings every Thursday and we do biweekly Q&A.
01:07:12 Doug Starks
So yeah, this will be a a good opportunity to come in today. It’s actually going to be Q&A so I can I can answer all your questions. You’ve got perfect SBS and using your data on Thursday, so. Awesome.
01:07:27 Vanessa Roberts
Carl has a question. Can I’m going to sign up is what Carl says. Welcome Carl, you’re going to love it. Can we postpone the seven day trial until after we get through the training? The answer to that is the reason for the trial is to allow you to go through the training. So the seven day trial is the seven days that you don’t pay anything, right? Your membership starts. We think 7 days is plenty of time.
01:07:50 Vanessa Roberts
This is a very simple, easy system. There is a slew of done for you services we didn’t even talk about. It’s simple, it’s easy, it plugs right into small batch. 7 days is plenty of time to go through the training and then send a live call with Doug on Thursday. There’s an intense library of past calls because Doug has been doing this for, I don’t know, forever, right? So you don’t have to go through all of them, but the resources are there for you at your disposal. Jump in because we can plug this in and be doing small batches for you. There are emails provided in inside the Big Data Profits course.
01:08:26 Vanessa Roberts
Copy those, bring them right over into Small batch. We’ll run them. We’ve done case studies and courses with small batch members where we have done the small batch done for you services for Doug’s clients directly and they had outstanding results. Doug touched on that and on this page big data, profits.com, I think the case studies are showcased, right? Yeah, Yep. So you can see the real client said about small batch plus big data. Yep.
01:08:57 Doug Starks
And Carl, here’s something here. It’s your first hour. You you sign up. So we’re going to have to wait, you know, seven days to try to figure it out. Is is when you first get in Carl, check out for everyone else to the quick start. Within less than an hour you can get up and going and go after clients. So check out that quick start course when you when you get into the the training site. All right, so we are, you know, the support get support dot biz Doug and big data profits.
01:09:31 Vanessa Roberts
He is plugged into our support desk, so it is a seamless support experience. If you have any questions about this after we wrap this call, he is in our small batch Facebook group. I’m going to put this video in the small batch Facebook group as a live video. I’m also going to e-mail it out to everyone and it will be in the members area. You can review, but if you have follow up questions, tag Doug or myself in the Facebook group or sit in the support ticket. If it’s a more private question, account specific stuff, we don’t. We like to respect your privacy and take care of it one-on-one in the support desk, but we are at your disposal. But like I said, these 20 spots, they’re going to go fast.
01:10:09 Vanessa Roberts
It’s only a dollar. It’s only a dollar. So don’t don’t regret not getting all of these bonuses because you were debating about 100 pennies. So if you’re into it, I’d I’d definitely say jump in and give it a shot. Doug, thank you so much for your time. This has been an awesome training. It’s hard to express how powerful this system and product is and how far reaching the opportunity is. So thank you for trying to condense it into just an hour.
01:10:41 Vanessa Roberts
And thank you for participating in the Facebook group because I’m sure folks are going to have lots of great questions. I really appreciate your time. Thank you so much, Doug. Yeah, you’re very welcome.
01:10:49 Doug Starks
Yeah. Any questions, you can contact me in support or in the Facebook group. Have a have a great rest of your day, rest of your week. And yeah, love to help the 20 people that can get in here as much as I can. Awesome.
01:11:03 Vanessa Roberts
Thank you so much that you have a great day too. Yeah, you too.
01:11:06 Doug Starks
Thanks. OK, Bye everybody.