Small Batch System
Members' Only Workshop

Small Batch System Training Session June 11, 2024

Live Webinar with Vanessa Roberts

(Raw transcription; not proofed for grammar or spelling.)
Click here for Google Doc of the transcript.

00:00:14 Vanessa Roberts
All right. Hello, welcome. Happy Tuesday. Thanks for joining me on Tuesday this this week. Usually we meet on Mondays, but scheduling conflicts in June have me tied up on basically every Monday the whole month. So we shifted to Tuesday for June. So thanks for being flexible. Let me know if you can hear me and if you can see my screen.

00:00:38 Vanessa Roberts
Hey Casey. OK, so today we are going to talk about awesome thanks Scott and Albert. Hey, ways to generate goodwill and engagement with a cold audience without selling to them* yet, right? One of the first things Brian taught me when he was mentoring me in marketing in general was always give more than you ask, OK? That can be content, that can be support, that can be just sheer content, volume of emails, etcetera. So what we had an experiment through the month of May where we reached out to I believe was 10,000 cold contacts, OK. Now these weren’t scraped contacts. These were contacts that had stopped engaging with Brian as a marketer, right?

00:01:45 Vanessa Roberts
So it was a previous someone who had previously attended the webinar come, you know, purchased the product, opted into a group, not necessarily buyers, but anyone who had at one point in time in the past raised their hand and said, I want to be friends with Brian. And then at some point stopped, stopped returning the call, kind of ghosted on us. OK, so that’s what we’re going to talk about today. But before we start, if you’ll give me by show of hands, I want to kind of be flexible with the training today. We’ve got a bunch of people on the call, but we have some new members. I want to know if you want me to do a recap of small batch system in general, an overview, or if you want me to skip through that and jump right to the testing for re-engagement, warming folks up for buying. I asked because our last call 2 weeks ago, we dedicated the entire call to pretty much a review of using the small batch system start to finish. OK, so I will recap quickly, not in depth, but everybody here I see it.

00:02:52 Vanessa Roberts
We’re about 5050. Half of the folks are asking for a review. If this goes too fast or if you have more questions, please go back and watch the previous, the most recent small batch training. We spent an hour and a half going page by page, step by step exactly how to maximize the small batch system for you. If you are a new member or a member who just hadn’t taken action yet. OK. Hey, Sandra, Bill, Matthew, I, I see you and I hear you. So does everybody.

00:03:25 Vanessa Roberts
Everybody hears me that we’re going to go kind of quick today. And I’m not going to answer every question because we have a very, very, very thorough training just from our very last call. OK, What’s the small batch system? The simple answer is sending emails in small batches so you stay under Google’s radar while also adhering to all spam can spam compliance and avoiding their triggers. OK, when you log in, this is what you see. The first button is to come to the Facebook group. Please do that first. The second button is the members only training.

00:04:00 Vanessa Roberts
This is where all of your recordings of these calls, these calls that we usually have on Mondays, but this week we’re having on a Tuesday. All of the recordings are here. So what I just mentioned about going back and watching our last call, simply login. Click this second button and scroll to the most recent call. OK, your course module, this is your quick start. Start here. This is the course. So after you sign up for the Facebook group, after you find where our recordings are, please go through the course.

00:04:31 Vanessa Roberts
OK, so that’s the small batch system. This is what the members only tab looks like. You’ll see the schedule for our live calls when you Scroll down on this page. That’s where the recordings are across the top. Here is where you’re going to find your resources. These are our campaigns that we provide for you. Small Batch System course. Again, that’s linked from the first page, but you can also find it from the navigation bar.

00:04:55 Vanessa Roberts
Here’s where we researched all of the different platforms. You’ll see our endorsements and training on how to use what. Whichever 1 you choose. Small batch System course test results. Here’s where you can evaluate based on the test results when we got as we were testing the platform. So there’s training on how to use the platforms and there’s test results which platforms perform the best for us. Our done for Youth Services are all found under the DFY tab, Unlimited lead generation account, warm up campaign set up content can spam trigger analysis and domain health analysis. If you go through, we try to set these up in order that they will be used.

00:05:36 Vanessa Roberts
So you just start at the top and request them all the way down. OK, These are what the forms look like. We made them absolutely as simple as possible. Your small batch system user ID, register email address, be sure you use or you provide the same email address that you used to log into the members area. That’s how we identify that your account is a valid small batch member because you know folks can find these forms, right? So make sure you’re using the same 1 so that we can communicate with you. Email account warmup. I mean, very basic question.

00:06:10 Vanessa Roberts
Just question and response on the forms. If you need us to do anything for you, basically just use these forms. If you come to the ticket desk and ask us to do something, we’re just going to redirect you to the forms. But we do send you a confirmation that the request is completed once. Once it’s all set up, we do submit through the ticket desk and the bonus training, the up to date changes ongoing. So this is basically general marketing training. If you’re new to email marketing, we recommend going through this. You know the course, learning about best practices, etcetera.

00:06:48 Vanessa Roberts
And we do have OK, so that gets updated often. The most recent is conquer the inbox, how to land in Gmail’s primary tab, the 2024 guide. That’s exciting. And then we have our revenue generators. That is again on the navigation page right here on right next to members only under revenue generators. Revenue generators are the partner programs that we find, research, endorse and then train you on ways for you to make money using the small batch system. They’re either affiliate products, services you can offer lead generation. There’s lots of different things.

00:07:27 Vanessa Roberts
We try to have a variety of either straight free to sign up. You just get a link and you just sell it and you collect the Commission like straight E com or affiliate products. And then we also have terrific services that local marketers can offer. And those sometimes do have a cost to be a part of that program so that you can offer it. But they always tie into the small batch system, meaning that you can benefit from traffic or sales through cold email, and you can use small batch and this program to grow your business. OK, Our last release was the Letterman AI. OK, quick update on this as folks are looking, This was something that you could purchase and sell or just sell as an affiliate. Both of these links are dead right now.

00:08:16 Vanessa Roberts
This was a global launch that expired. It ended. They’re not selling it anymore. I am working on getting small batch members, exclusive Evergreen links. Yeah, So you’ll be literally the only people selling it. So as soon as that’s live, this page will update. Right now there’s a notice on that page that says that the links don’t work, but that’ll be a big announcement as soon as I achieve that. Here’s other revenue generators.

00:08:42 Vanessa Roberts
All right, OK, so that’s a quick overview on the small batch system members area. If you don’t, if you didn’t understand anything or you have questions, please tag me in the Facebook group or send a ticket @ get supports updates. All right, let me jump into the questions before we go into the training on engaging cold audiences. Richard, I cannot give a definitive answer on that. We are moving as as quickly as possible. That’s on the on the weight loss healthcare, Yeah, we’re just fine tuning the cart system at this point, making sure all the legality is settled, right. Right now we’re testing the cart to make sure the purchases can go through, that your commissions are tracked and that you are able to get paid efficiently direct deposit through our system. So we are at the final leg, but I cannot give you a drop dead date on that.

00:09:39 Vanessa Roberts
But the great news is, is now we’re just working on making sure you get your money. OK, let’s see. Connie wants my screen, my slides to be full screen. I apologize. I can’t do that because then I can’t see where I’m going. So this is as big as I can make it. When I go slideshow, I can’t see the future slides, so I can’t jump through. I know Brian always gets on me about wanting to make him bigger.

00:10:05 Vanessa Roberts
OK, So as I said at the top of the call, what we’ve been working on for the past two weeks, actually we started working on it in the beginning of May. So it’s been 5 or 6 weeks now. We took all of our cold lists. So think about that. Anybody who in the past has engaged with you or has engaged with your client, if you’re servicing a client, but for some reason they fell out of contact with you, which this means they know your name, there’s some recognition. You just need a way to get back into their good graces, right? We built a course, just a simple, easy to deliver, no ongoing services, just a one and done course. And we’ve had it in our pocket for a minute, right?

00:10:53 Vanessa Roberts
Well, when we’re decided to build out this experiment, we thought, hey, if we’re giving something away, will people be more likely to engage? So we went further than just a click. We went further than just an open. We had an actual opt in Page to claim a free bonus. Now what we gave away is relevant to Brian because we were re engaging a list that already knew Brian. I want you as I’m talking through this, think of something that’s relevant to you. And if you don’t already have a list and you’re just trying to engage cold lists, you know, just cold scraped emails that I’ve never heard from you before, think of something you could give away that is universally desired. Like what is something that you could hang out there is bait.

00:11:40 Vanessa Roberts
All of it can be applied. So what I’m going to talk about is specific and relevant to Local Profit Pages, which is of course we made, but it can apply across the board if you just think of it as bait, OK? And the bonus is I’m going to give it to you guys too. So let me grab this link. I’m going to drop it in the chat. You can see exactly what our bait looked like because this is exactly what was emailed out to all of our cold contacts. OK, Local Profit batch, of course, they had a different link. Oh, it came through three times.

00:12:23 Vanessa Roberts
Awesome. But you will see exactly what our landing page look like, OK. And we sent it to the 10,000 folks that we identified as previously having raised their hand with Brian and that we weren’t engaging with that weren’t opening our emails that had gone cold, gone stale, etcetera. Lee has a question about our list. So how many contacts in the business biz OPS niche? Over 3 million, Lee. But we you should always check for duplicates for sure. Let’s see.

00:13:02 Vanessa Roberts
OK, so does everybody have this link? Local profits, batch. I’m going to give you a minute to go and look. If you’ve got multiple screens, go ahead & up. You are going to get the exact same onboarding experience that we tested and you get the course. It’s a great course if you are into servicing local businesses. What you’ll see on the landing page, actually, I’ll just go there. These are, this is a course that teaches you how to use landing pages and then we provide the landing pages.

00:13:38 Vanessa Roberts
So there’s over 225, I think it’s like 250 now, custom targeted profit pages for the most lucrative niches in the world. So every month we put out 655 new pages for one niche. And it is a landing page that allows you to either sell or just have people opt in to the most popular local marketing services. So reputation management, lead generation, right? So all you have to do with this is if you have an agency domain and you instead of generating landing pages that you’re emailing out to generate business for yourself, right? You can just load these pages. You have to build the pages. They’re already, they’re already built and ready for you.

00:14:27 Vanessa Roberts
You can customize them. They’re fully customizable. They are built on Elementor for WordPress. You just these are all the templates, right? These are the industries that we have made custom pages for. And again, in each industry we have the different offers, reputation, marketing, legion, etcetera, etcetera, etcetera. Better than a sales page, it’s a profit page, lead generation, social media search, Google 3 pack, reputation management, custom reactivation, profit page for offers. Well, it’s not.

00:15:07 Vanessa Roberts
So that’s so over, I think. Yeah, like we’re at 2550 now and with this free account so that we keep people happy, every month they get an email that we when where we announce the next new niche. Yep, Walt says he remembers this from a few years back. They were great. Thank you for the endorsement. We also used to sell them for $97.00 a niche. And again, I get to reemphasize that you’re not going to pay that right. So I’ve really made this a high value gift and in exchange all I’m asking for is an email.

00:15:42 Vanessa Roberts
Now you might ask why do you want their email? You emailed them the offer right? Well multi-faceted answer to that one. I want to track who I emailed the signed up right? So I can match it up that it worked B2 when someone has opted out of your list. OK, think about that. If they fill out an opt in form, then you can market to them again. So say you’re running your hot list out of constant contact and your cold list out of MailJet.

00:16:22 Vanessa Roberts
They haven’t opted out of mailjet. It’s technicality, but it’s true. So if you email them in MailJet and they opt into your form and your bribe is taking them to your constant contact list that they opted out of, well then they have re opted in. You have now re engaged them. You can market to them. You’ve given them this incredible bribe bonus gift. They think you’re terrific. They’re so happy.

00:16:49 Vanessa Roberts
I definitely recommend don’t try to turn around and sell them something the next day. Nurture them. Give, give, give. Always give more than you ask, give more than you take. So is has everybody gone to Batch and claimed your free account? Yes, thank you. David, did you use the free version of Elementor? OK.

00:17:12 Vanessa Roberts
These templates were built with the Pro version. So when you install them on the free, we recommend that you buy the Pro version. It’s $99.00 for the year, unlimited accounts. You can get the less expensive one, I think for like $19.00 for one account. It’s not expensive to get Pro Elementor, but if you load these templates on a free Elementor, there is some functionality that gets lost. You just have to tweak it like you can fix it. You can still use it. All right, awesome.

00:17:42 Vanessa Roberts
So if everybody, if you’ve signed up, great. If you’re still waiting for your username and password, I just put the sign up together this morning. I hope there’s not a problem with it. I’m going to check back in with you at the end of the call, Kenneth, check your spam, check your junk, but it should be there. All right. So the local profit page is a re-engagement email campaign. We sent four different emails on 4 consecutive days. Toby asks what if we’re on go high level and not using WordPress?

00:18:15 Vanessa Roberts
These templates only work on WordPress, right? You can take the content, copy paste it, build it yourself and go high level if you want. Or you can just buy a WordPress domain for $0.99 and build it in WordPress. But these templates only work in WordPress. OK, so four different emails sent 4 consecutive days, and these are the results were weeks 1:00 and 2:00. So we did two different campaigns. All right, Bill says he got his email. Awesome.

00:18:42 Vanessa Roberts
It’s working. Terrific. So the first batch of emails we sent week 1, these are the subject lines. We used bonus delivery one Click to claim value VIP, thank you, open and Click to claim first name. Of course, we did a mail merge. You haven’t claimed your bonus yet. Again, we only sent that to folks who haven’t opened or clicked and email 4. Did you forget Vanessa?

00:19:04 Vanessa Roberts
Did you forget John? OK, across the board, our delivery was pretty phenomenal, right? Our opens really popped off. MailJet was our winner, but our lowest performing. OK, let’s not pay attention to Brevo weeks one and two. I think something is definitely wrong there. But if we don’t count our outlier of four and our highest at 54.2, like our range is 15 to 50, half the people we sent opened. That’s incredible.

00:19:43 Vanessa Roberts
All right, the next week was even better. We sent it to the same people. We just changed the subject line. We took out the people who signed up. So if they already signed up, they did not get subsequent emails. That’s important. We don’t want to hassle them. We don’t want to make them think that it’s going to be annoying to be a part of this group, right?

00:20:02 Vanessa Roberts
Time’s running out. I’m using more scarcity. Last reminder, scarcity, 4 day out warning, scarcity gone at midnight scarcity. So obviously people’s fear of missing out is definitely a motivator. The highest number was lower, OK, 48, less than 54. But across the board, across the board, the opens were that much better. OK, so here’s a graph comparison of obviously our standout is MailJet. Funny enough, that is a free version, right?

00:20:39 Vanessa Roberts
MailJet’s free. So when you are stacking your pros and cons, best results with least expensive, that’s a win for me. Highly endorse MailJet. OK, two weeks in a row, MailJet was the big winner. Revo came second. Yes, where close third. OK, Kenneth is following up with how to recapture the leads on these platforms. I’m using the mailjet free version again.

00:21:07 Vanessa Roberts
I sent them to the landing page that I shared with you, right. So the email has a link in it that goes to a page with a free sign up form. So Kenneth, whatever system you want to use for sign ups, that’s what you’re going to do. If you’re, for example, building a WordPress page and you’re trying to build your list in Constant Contacts. Constant Contacts has sign up forms that you can get code for and then embed on your page, right? You could go real simple, old school, do a WordPress form and just collect the email addresses, right? But I definitely recommend an opt in form because that’s going to ensure compliance with your CRM. When you use an opt-in form, the CRM sees that these people are manually typing their name and email, clicking yes, saying yes, please send me information.

00:22:05 Vanessa Roberts
So whenever possible, use whatever opt in form is built in with your CRM. Important that the list does know Brian’s name and Rep. Yes, Bill asks. This is a re engagement campaign. So yes, for Brian, we’re hoping that they recognize his name. They might not. It could be somebody who put their email in on a form six years ago and never looked at another thing from Brian. It could be somebody that bought a product, hung around for three months and then went about their business some other way.

00:22:38 Vanessa Roberts
We did not discriminate or filter out level of engagement. We just took 10,000 of Brian’s cold old contacts. So while it is obviously a leg up, if they remembered his name and thought, you know, that’s great. It is 100% applicable to a completely cold straight list. You just need a desirable carrot, right? What you’re offering pretty landing page valuable give you know, it could be an e-book, it could be a week of services, it could be an evaluation. It could be, you know, depending on what you are offering and what your expertise is your bait. It could be anything but the trick is to give away something valuable so that they the recipient wants to fill out that opt in form.

00:23:31 Vanessa Roberts
All right, if anybody didn’t get their local profit pages welcome email, send me a ticket at get support dot biz. OK, so that I can get that to you. Sandra says I clicked on the sign up link, but it doesn’t work. I just get directed down the page. That’s right. That’s how it’s that’s how we want it to work. All right, so claim free course here it jumps you down to this form. OK, so that’s the form fill out the form and then register for free account here.

00:23:59 Vanessa Roberts
I’ll do it so you can see how it and the confirmation is embedded right there. OK, that’s it. Simple, simple. Nothing. Nothing too fancy. All right. OK, so our click rate. Holy smokes, right?

00:24:23 Vanessa Roberts
Holy smokes. 96% of the 50% of MailJet. OK, so think about that. There were days where 54% of the people who got an email from three MailJet open, 96% across the board clicked. Once they open, they clicked streak. Once they open, they clicked Brevo. Once they open, they clicked instantly. Yes, where and G math.

00:24:49 Vanessa Roberts
Honestly, I can only assume that their reporting is off because for the results to be that starkly different. But you can see it works. It works. People love free stuff. OK, it worked even better the next week, right? The scarcity was compounded. So again, if they opened or clicked the first week, they didn’t get it the second week. So the mega results we got the second week proportionately.

00:25:16 Vanessa Roberts
Like that’s even better because it means they didn’t engage the first week. This was our 6th, 7th, 8th try to get their attention. Then we got it. 939794 and 81 click rate. All right, OK, looking at the data just a different way, all the subject lines from week one through 3 was the best. OK engagement Week 2, this is the open rate. OK, now the real win. 667 people got that email opted in re engaged.

00:26:02 Vanessa Roberts
667 people who we have lost somewhere along the way weren’t interested. Now remember us, know our name, are happy, they got an awesome gift. The you know, the experience was great. It’s a quality carrot, fresh and crunchy, great carrot. They are having a positive experience with us. They’re getting right. They go through the course, they’re building their pages. They’re using it to build their business, right?

00:26:35 Vanessa Roberts
We’ve delivered mega value. Give them time to see what we produce quality training and products. OK, so it’s not just about getting the opt in, it’s building your reputation. Just like when we warm up your emails, right? So that Google thinks we’re doing a great job. This is your second chance to make a first impression. I like to say, OK, you lost them once, but you can give them the razzle dazzle now. So like really make sure you’re doing a great job with that engagement.

00:27:00 Vanessa Roberts
OK, have a nurture sequence. Thank them, deliver the product, remind them to login, remind them about the value. Be your own best cheerleader. Don’t sell them something. Don’t sell them something right off right, but they will be primed and responsive when you present the the next offer right? Do not give them something on a Tuesday and sell them try to sell them something on Wednesday right. That’s a quick way to burn all of that labor. But I want to hear from you guys.

00:27:33 Vanessa Roberts
What’s a way that you think you can generate some raving fans? What’s some bait that you think you could dream up? Let’s see, Sandra says. My area is blank for signing up. Sandra. That’s probably an ad blocker on your like on your Chrome or your Apple. Try do using a different browser or turn off ad blocking, right? Lee says this is a very good result.

00:27:59 Vanessa Roberts
Oh yeah, We were ecstatic. We were hoping for 250, right? At 500, we started celebrating. When we broke 600, we were over the moon, right? With a free website audit work. Albert that is a terrific idea. Yes, absolutely. Yes.

00:28:16 Vanessa Roberts
And it’s simple, simple, simple, simple. Add to your opt in form their website, right? Or like ask them for their website URL, right? And then have a simple form or a tool that evaluates the website and then you can deliver it via email, book an appointment to go over it with them. That is a terrific idea, something that adds to the likelihood of future engagement, a conversation starter that has a fantastic idea. How many did you send in total? 10,000 Connie landing page for MailJet only available for premium version on MailJet. Kenneth, that’s an excellent point.

00:28:52 Vanessa Roberts
That is for a landing page in MailJet. I’m sure that they will have opt in forms that are free that you can put on a WordPress, but MailJet paid is like $19.00. So that’s going to be the most affordable way to get a simple landing page that’s built right into MailJet. I highly recommend it. I highly, highly recommend it. email is live yes, bill, Bill, you’re absolutely right. It is alive and especially if you do it right, right. Like my promotions folder, my spam folder on my personal email address is out of bounds, like thousands.

00:29:28 Vanessa Roberts
And I never look at it right. But what we can tell absolutely without exception here is that small batch works a 50% open rate. Are you kidding me? Right? And these subject lines, they were pushing it, right? Bonus gift, VIP, thank you, bonus delivery. Last reminder, time’s running out was the subject 1. We pushed the envelope there for landing in the promotions folder, but it works.

00:30:02 Vanessa Roberts
So hey, take a screenshot here. Of course this is going to be added into the training. The email content was very, very, very tailored to local profit pages, so the campaign isn’t applicable, but these subject lines A, absolutely work, B, are pretty universal. So rather than on the resources, rather than sharing the email copy, we’re going to share the the subject lines. You can use them. You can use them and they’re easy to vary. You can spin up different versions of this. You get the idea.

00:30:37 Vanessa Roberts
Would this be DFY Kenneth, if you write a campaign right with your offer, with your bribe and you provide us the campaign, we will absolutely run the campaign for you. Yes, But there’s not A1 size fits all campaign for all of you because all of your incentives, all of your giveaways, all of your services that you’re offering will be different. But yes, you write up the email, we’ll run it through our spam audit checker, and we’ll clean your list for you and we will run that campaign for you. 100% yes. Is there a discussion tutorial on developing your own nurturing sequence? Oh, Bill, not yet. But I love that idea and we’re definitely going to do that. Nurturing sequence.

00:31:23 Vanessa Roberts
Give me some ideas on nurturing sequence. Like, is it products? Products irrelevant. Google thought I was talking to her when I said that. Or is it just, you know, thanks for joining. Like what are some key points that you would like to hit on nurturing? Usually when I do a nurturing sequence, I make it relevant to the to the, to the topic that they signed up for, right? So if someone signed up for local profit pages here, you’ll see it.

00:31:52 Vanessa Roberts
You’re going to get it. You’re going to get my nurture sequence on that because you just signed up for local profit pages. You’re going to see what I said. Basically, it’s just reminding you that you got something for free. Don’t forget to log in and how to get support, right? And if you have a nurture sequence that’s universal for your company, everyone who signs up, wait three days and then they just jump into the same sequence that just introduces yourself, gives your bio, builds your credibility, walks them through your web page, walks them through your services. Maybe very subtly start weaving in your best performing affiliate offers, right? Tell a story about yourself and how you use products XYZ or 123 and how it got you these great results.

00:32:39 Vanessa Roberts
Hey, if you want to check it out, here you go real soft sell on the nurturing, but you start introducing them to the fact that you are providing value, not just asking for sales, asking for money. My 52 week nurture provides information on various businesses and marketing topics. Walt Wise, 52 weeks, you win, you win the marketing prize. That’s incredible. That’s patience and dedication. But honestly, once you set it up once, it’s worth it. It’s worth it. My email addresses will be warmed up next week.

00:33:16 Vanessa Roberts
Congratulations Lee, I’ll be ready to use. So every day I will give you 70 contacts for each email address to send email sequences. My question is how many emails you will send to 1 cold email before you give up with no response? View clicks Lee. We will run the campaign that you provide to completion. So if you choose a campaign that has 10 emails or you write your own campaign that has 20 emails or five emails, whatever, however long that campaign is, OK, the contacts in your list that are clean and valid, not spam traps, right? So if you give us 70, let’s say 65 come through as clean, those 65 will get the entire sequence if they don’t click or open, OK, depending on the platform that you choose for us to run it through, we set the setting that if they click, they don’t get future emails. And if, if available, if they open, they don’t get future emails, OK?

00:34:15 Vanessa Roberts
So they a cold email that doesn’t engage will get 100% or we will intend to send 100% of the emails in the campaign of your choosing. Yep. Walt says it runs forever. Did you show us the email content of the sequence? Bill that’s a great question. It is so hyper specific to local profit pages. I don’t have it prepared to share. It is so specific to Brian.

00:34:47 Vanessa Roberts
It says hi Bill at some point in time we work together. Maybe you were a member of and it lists a couple of different groups that Brian managed and it says regardless of how you found me, I want you to know I am still invested in your success. I put together this course. I think it will benefit you. Please click here. I can share it, but we’re not going to add it as a done for you service because it is so hyper focused. But if y’all feel like it would be beneficial to have like a template or just to see what was working, I can definitely share that. I don’t I don’t have a ponder.

00:35:34 Vanessa Roberts
OK, OK, I should have prepared for that. I’m sorry. OK, Leonard said that his form didn’t load in Firefox, but it did load in Chrome. Awesome. OK, so that’s my entire presentation on the local profit pages, but I we can do open Q&A. We’ve still got some time. Again, if you haven’t claimed the local Profit Pages free account, let me grab the link again and drop it here because like I like to say, small batch members are our VIPs. Anything we do, we’re going to give it to you too.

00:36:18 Vanessa Roberts
All right, Leonard. OK, Yeah, universally, everyone wants to see those emails. It was just one email. And that’s the trick. I’ll tell you this, it was one email. It was not different emails. It was one, one set of words, just different subject lines. So I’ll post it in the Facebook group.

00:36:40 Vanessa Roberts
OK, so some folks are saying that they signed up for local profit pages but haven’t gotten the email yet. Most are saying that the email with their ID and password did come through. So if you don’t see it, please go to get support dot biz and let support know I will as soon as this call’s over, I’ll jump over to support and I will answer your ticket with your username and password. Your oh, you know what? I’ll tell you another trick. It’s going to be the same username and password as your small batch username and password. If you signed up with the same email address, your password stays the same. So you can just go to and log in the ID and password is the same now that you’ve signed up.

00:37:19 Vanessa Roberts
All right, So any questions about re engagement, re opting in? OK, Leonard just got the email. Awesome. That’s terrific. All right, Any questions about re engaging with cold email and applying it? Oh, this also works for as a service for customers. All right, and one of the landing pages that we give away in the local profit pages. OK, this comes full circle.

00:37:50 Vanessa Roberts
Customer reactivation for profit pages. OK, So for every single niche, OK, we have a landing page where you can offer the service of re engaging cold customers for a client. OK, so say you are targeting HVAC companies. You can email them and say Burr HVAC company, we want it cold. But did your list get cold? I don’t know that’s off the top of my head, right. Have your customers stopped engaging with you? I can help you right.

00:38:30 Vanessa Roberts
You set up a customer reactivation landing page from local profit pages. You get your URL right. Say John has a domain right? So he sets up and he sets up his customer reactivation profit page on that URL. He then gets a list done for you list of all the HVAC companies in Georgia, Atlanta, GA. OK sends all of them, starts small batch emailing them this offer. Did you have a customer that you used to work with and now you want to re-engage with them right? You talk to them, what are they willing to offer?

00:39:17 Vanessa Roberts
Maybe a home inspection? Maybe a free AC health check? OK, you mail them the emails. You tell them to go to, have it be just a free sign up. Don’t try to charge them any money right? Just get them to opt in. You then talk to the HVAC company that has opted in. He’s now a hot lead, right?

00:39:39 Vanessa Roberts
He’s in your marketable list. Call him up and say hey, this is what I can do for you. Have the conversation where you sell them the service of reactivating their clients. OK, then you small batch their clients. They have a list of people who have their name recognition. And you say, all right, look, I’m going to help you make this email. OK, HVAC in Atlanta, HVAC company in Atlanta. We’re going to email all of your old contacts that you haven’t serviced in a year and we’re going to tell them that you are worried about the health of their units and you’re going to come out and check for free.

00:40:16 Vanessa Roberts
What’s a good date and time? And then you put in an appointment setter in the emails and you small batch out those emails to their cold contact list. The people make an appointment. Boom, your HVAC company now is now reengaging with their cold customer list. It’s way easier to reengage a new customer and Keith customer than to find a new one. So boom, that is an entire business plan right here and it costs you nothing extra unless you don’t have a domain, then it would cost you a few dollars to set up a WordPress domain so that you can use the customer reactivation profit page. Any questions? All right, Casey got there.

00:40:57 Vanessa Roberts
Welcome email. Excellent. What tool do I use to exclude duplicates? Lee, that’s a great question. When you upload a file to a contact list through like MailJet, if you upload it yourself, duplicates will be eliminated. Or if you’re just using Excel, I like to put all of my contacts in one list and then Excel and Google Sheets, etcetera, all has a tool identify duplicates. And if you just tell it to look at the email address or column C and like if they match and identify duplicates, it’ll just delete them for you. Lee asks.

00:41:38 Vanessa Roberts
Everyday I can give your team 700 new cold emails to engage, right? For every campaign, you need one sender address that’s warm. And for every campaign you can send us about 75. So if you have 10 emails that are all set up and warmed up, then you can request 10 campaigns with 70 to 75 each. And then yes, we’ll be able to send 700 for you. But you need to think of small batches as one email, one campaign, 75 contacts, OK, and a campaign. If your campaign lasts 10 days, that email address is tied to those 70 contacts for the duration of that entire campaign. OK, Leonard, thank you. All right, So any questions about using local profit pages, how you can use all of these pages?

00:42:42 Vanessa Roberts
You do not have to sell something on the page. You can use an opt in form instead of a sales form, OK, You don’t have to do a sales link. You can swap out the form for just an opt in or you can sell the service however you want to do it. All right, everybody, either you’re all typing because you have tons of questions or I’ve answered everything and there are no questions. I’ll give it a couple minutes to see which which way it went. I’m still confused on opt in form, Kenneth. OK, so any tool you use to manage email will have the ability to use a form. Usually it’s in the form of either a code you can embed on a website or it’s a page that they provide you.

00:43:48 Vanessa Roberts
OK. And to opt in you simply promote, share, spread email, whatever a page with that form on it. This is what my opt in form looks like. I might have to refresh. So it’s remote. OK, it’s just a form. You have probably signed up for a million opt in forms. Any time there’s a pop up on a website that says I’ll give you 10% off if you give me your email address, that’s an opt in form, OK?

00:44:20 Vanessa Roberts
Every mail service provider in the world wants you to get opt in, so they’re going to give you that tool. OK. And all you have to do is either use a page that they provide or pop it into a page you built. Michael. Yes, I am asking for that. Yes. The Letterman we talked about at the top of the page, the launch has ended so our links don’t work. So yeah, I am asking for that.

00:44:55 Vanessa Roberts
Lois. Yes, every call we have is recorded and they are all in the members area on the members only tab. Yes, since MailJet has the best results now, do you suggest I put all 10 email addresses on MailJet? I love MailJet. I love love love MailJet. You get one email address for free. So if you are looking to do 10 you want to scale up. It is the most affordable.

00:45:22 Vanessa Roberts
I believe it’s $19.00 per email account. So if you’re going to do 10, you’re looking at about 200 bucks. But yeah, I mean, it’s hard to argue with those results and it’s simple to use. MailJet is definitely our most popular platform right now. Some of the Jet for You team have even asked if we can remove the ability, like remove the offer of supporting other platforms. And I said no, no, some folks still use it. But yeah, MailJet is definitely MailJet Instantly in Brevo and Streak are most popular. Yep.

00:45:58 Vanessa Roberts
Bill says this reengagement is a pretty hot offer. It is. Folks love it, you know, because it’s frustrating to look at your list and not know what to do with it because reengagement can be anything, right? I mean, this HBAC company might have never done mail marketing. Most HBA like contractors like that don’t do email marketing, but you know, they go buy pay per click ads or referrals or yellow page search. It doesn’t occur to them a lot to reach out to people who have paid them before. Plumbers. You know, people call plumbers when they have an emergency, but there are things that plumbers can do to stay top of mind in the winter, you know, helping folks identify pipes that migrate, you know, just giving warning, like, hey, don’t forget to put a plastic bag around your external faucets.

00:46:51 Vanessa Roberts
Like there are services that can amplify results for local businesses that they don’t even it doesn’t even occur to them because they don’t think that way. Lauren says maybe you could put MailJet as recommended because I didn’t know what to pick and went with G mass. We do have inside the members area in the course the test results which show that MailJet from the beginning has gotten much better results or not better than every all the others, but the best, most consistently the best. But I will take that recommendation and help make sure that MailJet stands out as a preferred, a preferred vendor. Some folks already have GNAS. You know, we don’t want to steer people away from what they’re already paying for, right? We just want to make sure we give everybody information so that they can make an educated decision that’s best for them. We try really, really hard not to add expense or require something.

00:47:59 Vanessa Roberts
We want to make sure that the small batch system can work for anyone at any level of marketing scale, right? Somebody who’s brand new and has nothing but this course can get MailJet for free and start making money. Hi Vanessa, I am doing government grants, Cpas offers and I send in legion requests, but only gave me business contacts. So I cannot get leads for this purpose. We do not have consumer specific data if that’s what you’re asking Lee. However, everyone who owns business is a consumer. So yes, I think you can still do this. You’re just not getting from us a specifically consumer based list.

00:48:50 Vanessa Roberts
But also to that end, you can purchase, scrape, acquire, get a list of consumers from any external source and still use it with our system. You are not obligated or restricted to using the leads we generate for you. Donald says email has broken me trying to do it. So I’m looking forward to small batch. I absolutely understand it can be it can beat you down. It absolutely can. I’m ready to start marketing with my funnel. I have mail gun sitting email.

00:49:31 Vanessa Roberts
So with MailJet I need to buy another domain and set up OK. Yeah. If you want us to do DFY for you, yes, we only do done for you on the platforms identified on the Done for you tab. So if you want to use MailJet, you’ll have to set up MailJet. And we always recommend that you do not use the same domain for cold email outreach that you use for your primary business. So if I was as my like primary source of business, that’s my agency URL, that’s my business email, that’s my professional email. If I’m doing cold email outreach, I would do,,, Vanessa dot agency, you see, so it’s a different domain or Vanessa sells or Vanessa services or Vanessa helps at dot com something similar but different Because in the unlikely event that your URL gets blacklisted and we can’t help you fix it because it’s just too far gone, you, you want to be able to turn and burn and not be dependent on a domain and you don’t want to injure your primary domain’s reputation, right? So they need to be not disposable, but you gotta be able to part with it.

00:50:59 Vanessa Roberts
If worst comes to worst. Didn’t understand where to get consumer scrapes emails, Lee, that’s up to you. You can Google it. People sell consumer data lists. We don’t provide that. We have Business Contact B to B and our position is people who own businesses are also consumers. So you can send consumer offers to business email addresses because people are people. I was going to buy

00:51:36 Vanessa Roberts
Where do I buy the new email box MailJet because they are the sender. I’m lost on that point. OK, so the way it works is you buy your domain and you set up an email. We recommend it used to be G Suite, I think it’s Google Workspaces now, so that you can log into your email Webmail directly. OK, once your email address exists, then you associate that email with an email platform like MailJet. OK, Does that make sense? You buy a domain, you put an email on that domain, then that email once it exists because we, we do the warm up through your Webmail, not a platform. So we log in your email address, your password at Webmail or a Google platform, you get your email to be in existence, and then you go to MailJet & up with that email.

00:52:39 Vanessa Roberts
Are PDFs the only way to send back customized email templates for small batch? No, you can upload any document bill. Can subdomains help with the blacklist burning problem? No, because it’s the root domain that gets affected. So a subdomain. You know sales. If that subdomain gets a bad reputation then root URL gets a bad reputation as a sender. And I don’t think you can have email from a subdomain.

00:53:10 Vanessa Roberts
So no root domains only. Any other questions. It can be about anything. It can be about what we talked about today. We’ve got 7 minutes left. All the folks that have been here a while, we did the the quick recap on how to use small batch. If you’re new to small batch, please, please, please be sure that you go back and watch on the members only page. The, the last training we had, it was the end of May because we spent an hour and a half going through exactly how to start and start to finish your small batch system.

00:53:50 Vanessa Roberts
From never even having an email all the way through sending the campaigns everyday. And then so we can talk about the RE engagement campaign or just any questions at all that anybody has. Biz OPS list is available. Yes, Lauren, on the daily unlimited lead request, the niche you can select is biz OPS, right? And we’ll send you folks that have opted in for or have raised their hand as being interested in business opportunities. You’re very welcome, Leonard. Thank you for coming by. Yeah, I want to thank everybody for spending this afternoon with us.

00:54:27 Vanessa Roberts
I hope you took away some value. I hope there’s some action points that you can implement quickly at little to no expense. I hope you love local profit pages. I hope you’ll jump into the Facebook group and we can continue this discussion. Let me know what you think in the Facebook group. You know what? I’m going to start a post and I want you guys to interact with me. What are some great value offers that will help re engage or engage a cold list and we can just keep that conversation going in the Facebook group that’ll help folks who maybe are like stuck not knowing what to do.

00:55:04 Vanessa Roberts
I know just talking today coming up with the idea about the offering re-engagement to businesses as your engagement campaign that you know, that idea just came to me because y’all were asking great questions, right? So you’ve got everything you need with local profit pages for as a way to offer and have a really slick looking landing page, opt in Page, right? And we’ll give you the list. You might have a cold list yourself. If you’ve gotten a list already from us and they didn’t convert, use that. Use it again. Nothing says it’s a one and done burn list. After sending, you know that information and data is yours.

00:55:50 Vanessa Roberts
Let’s see. Yep, that’s our members group. Ryan, you just sent that message privately to me. I think you need to send it to everybody. You, I think you mentioned three different options for leveraging the re-engagement process for other businesses. What were they contacting their cold list right and offering them a service or guidance or content. So an example was HVAC telling them that you wanted to come out and provide them a free service update, what like inspection, inspect their unit, right? Make sure that they’re, you know, doing well now it’s the peak of summer.

00:56:37 Vanessa Roberts
AC companies are not your target, right? They are busy. They don’t need you. The plumbers was the other one and on the winter months, reminding people to wrap their faucets so they don’t freeze right. You’re offering advice at no expense. This is a give right to say stop of my top of mind. Another a member. I’m sorry, I forgot who I think you said, can we offer businesses a website analysis?

00:57:05 Vanessa Roberts
And that was a great idea, yes, because that is not just offering a service that is engaging in a conversation, setting up a time to meet right. And like, let’s do this together and talk through it, which segues into, oh, these are the problems with your website. Guess what? I can help you fix them, right? So that’s how getting somebody to talk to you is always your best option because you can take that conversation wherever it naturally progresses for that sale. So that’s great for conversion if you’re servicing real local businesses with a service. Michael wants to know how did the softball tournament go? It went fantastic.

00:57:44 Vanessa Roberts
My kid did so great. Thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about it. Yeah, she’s a sophomore, so colleges cannot officially offer her a spot or communicate directly with her until September her junior year. But multiple colleges did talk to her coach and told the coach that they are looking at her because they need 2026 graduates. So they’re looking at that class now and, you know, followed her on Twitter and invited her to camps and stuff. So nothing official, but it really was exciting. Thank you for asking, Michael. Yes, I am.

00:58:25 Vanessa Roberts
I’m bursting with pride she’s. And that’s just because she’s great at softball. She’s a great kid. But, you know, it’s always nice to see them succeed at something they’ve dedicated their life to. And she’s been playing ball since she was eight years old. And, you know, she’s 16, so more than half of her life has been spent grinding. Yeah. So she’s terrific.

00:58:46 Vanessa Roberts
I hope I’ll be given great updates throughout the next few years on her journey. But thank you for asking Michael. That was very sweet. So that did eat up our last few minutes, but no one else is asking any other questions, so I will wrap it up. I’ll give you back your day. Thank you for spending this time with me. Again. I hope I gave you value.

00:59:06 Vanessa Roberts
I love to give more than I asked. That has been the theme of the day. We’ll get this recording published and out in the members area within 24 hours. And like I said, I’m going to start that conversation in the Facebook group. I hope you’ll all jump in and participate and play along and help inspire other members because, you know, sometimes it’s just a little brain block and one good idea leads to 100 more. And I know you guys are full of great ideas. You inspire me. So thank you for your time.

00:59:36 Vanessa Roberts
Thank you for your attention. Thanks for your ticket, Kenneth. I appreciate that, too. I’ll take care of it. I hope you have a terrific rest of the day. Our next call is Tuesday. Not next week, but the week after. I think it’s the 23rd again.

00:59:50 Vanessa Roberts
No Mondays this week. We’ll be back to Mondays in July, but this week it’s Tuesdays. All right, Thank you, everybody. We’ll talk to you later. Bye.